Moving Forward Being Well
Serving ALABAMA and surrounding areas
We offer a rural outreach treatment program for patients living in rural Alabama. This program, following state regulations allows patients to have virtual appointments with an annual face-to-face appointment in the management of opiate use disorder.
We follow specific program protocols to ensure that this approach to care is best in the care of patients who qualify.
Our health teams offer individual therapy and referrals to peer support groups. All care is accessed through our Tebra application.
Patients will get their PAs completed, buprenorphine prescribed electronically and our team will coordinate with the patient’s pharmacy.
All Clia waived drug screens are provide and testing is completed right in the privacy of the home. Randomized med counts are completed as needed and there is never an upcharge.
Doing virtual appointments helps in avoiding travel. There is No crowded waiting rooms, or delays. The medical visit is 100% Confidential from expert staff.
This service is a cash pay service costing $125.00 after applied discounts.
Please contact our office for additional information in regard to this program and to determine if you qualify for this service.
Sunday Office Hours: 8A.M. to 12 P.M. Only,
All Other Days: Telemedicine Hours Only
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